Publicaciones en revistas
- Wesselmann, Marlene; González-Wangüemert, Mercedes; Serrão, Ester A.; Engelen, Aschwin H.; Renault, Lionel; García-March, José R.; Duarte, Carlos M. y Hendriks, Iris E., "Genetic and oceanographic tools reveal high population connectivity and diversity in the endangered pen shell Pinna nobilis", "Scientific Reports", Volumen 8, Número 4770, Páginas 1-11, 2018. Artículo.
- Anton A; Iris Eline Hendriks; Nuria Marba; Dorte Krause-Jensen; Neus Garcias-Bonet; Carlos M. Duarte, "Iron Deficiency in Seagrasses and Macroalgae in the Red Sea is Unrelated to Latitude and Physiological Performance", "Frontiers In Marine Science", 2018. Artículo.
- Carlos M. Duarte; Antonio Delgado-Huertas; Andrea Anton; Paloma Carrillo-de-Albornoz; Daffne Celeste Lopez Sandoval; Susana Agusti; Hanan Almahasheer; Núria Marbà; Iris Eline Hendriks; Dorte Krause-Jensen; Neus Garcias-Bonet, "Stable Isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δ18O, δD) Composition and Nutrient Concentration of Red Sea Primary Producer", "Frontiers In Marine Science", Volumen 5, 2018. Artículo.
- Laura Ramajo; Iris E. Hendriks; Nelson A. Lagos; Dorte Krause-Jensen; Núria Marbà; Mikael K. Sejr; Carlos M. Duarte, "Reply to 'Increased food supply mitigates ocean acidification effects on calcification but exacerbates effects on growth'", "Scientific Reports", Volumen 8, 2018. Artículo.
- Traveset, A. y Navarro, L., "Plant reproductive ecology and evolution in the Mediterranean islands: state of the art.", "Plant Biology", Volumen 20, Número Suppl. 1, Páginas 63-77, 2018. Artículo.
- Olesen, J.M., Damgaard, C.F., Heleno, R.H., Nogales, M., Rumeu, B., Trøjelsgaard, K.,Vargas, P. y Traveset, A., "Disclosing the double mutualist role of birds on Galápagos.", "Scientific Reports", Volumen 8, Número 57, Páginas 1-11, 2018. Artículo.
- Morán López, T., Valladares, F., Tiribelli, F., Pérez-Sepúlveda, J., Traveset, A. and Díaz, M., "Context-dependency of seed trait effects on scatter-hoarders' foraging decisions.", "Plant Ecology", Volumen in press, 2018. Artículo.
- Traveset, A.; Castro-Urgal, R.; Rotllàn-Puig, X.; Lázaro, A., "Effects of habitat loss on the plant-flower visitor network structure of a dune community", "Oikos", Volumen 127, Número 1, Páginas 45-55, 2018. Artículo.
- Seguí, J.; Lázaro, A.; Traveset, A.; Salgado-Luarte, C.; Gianoli, E., "Phenotypic and reproductive responses of an Andean violet to environmental variation across an elevational gradient", "Alpine Botany", Volumen 128, Páginas 59-69, 2018. Artículo.
- Alomar, D.; González-Estévez, M.A.; Traveset, A.; Lázaro, A., "The intertwined effects of natural vegetation, local flower community, and pollinator diversity on the production of almond trees", "Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment", 2018. Artículo.
- Carlos Lara-Romero; Gema Escribano-Ávila; Javier Galeano; Carlos García-Verdugo; José M. Iriondo; Amparo Lázaro; Xavier Picó; Silvia Santamaría; Jaume Seguí; Anna Traveset, "XV Reunión Científica Anual de Ecoflor", "Ecosistemas", 2018. Reseña.
- Fuster F., Kaiser-Bunbury, C., Traveset, A., "Global patterns of the double mutualism phenomenon", "Ecography", Volumen 42, Páginas 1-10, 2018. Artículo.
- M. Leza, "Vespapp - STOP Vespa asiàtica: eines de ciència ciutadana per la detecció i control de la vespa invasora", "Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Biologia", 2018. Artículo.
- I. Emma Huertas; Susana Flecha; Gabriel Navarro; Fiz Fernández Pérez; Mercedes de la Paz, "Spatio-temporal variability and controls on methane and nitrous oxide in the Guadalquivir Estuary, Southwestern Europe", "Aquatic Sciences", Volumen 80, Páginas 1-16, 2018. Artículo.
- Hervías?Parejo, S & Traveset A, "Pollination effectiveness of opportunistic Galápagos birds compared to that of insects: From fruit set to seedling emergence", "American Journal of Botany", Volumen 105, Páginas 1142-1153, 2018. Artículo.
- Hervías-Parejo, S, Heleno R, Rumeu B, Guzmán B, Vargas P, Olesen JM, Traveset A, Vera C, Benavides E, Nogales M, "Small size does not restrain frugivory and seed dispersal across the evolutionary radiation of Galápagos lava lizards", "Current Zoology", 2018. Artículo.
- Beca-Carretero P; Olesen B; Marbà N; Krause-Jensen D, "Response to experimental warming in northern eelgrass populations: Comparison across a range of temperature adaptations", "Marine Ecology-Progress Series", Número 589, Páginas 59-72, 2018. Artículo.
- Ruiz-Frau, A; Krause, T.; Marbà, N., "The Use of Sociocultural Valuation in Sustainable Environmental Management", "Ecosystem Services", Volumen 29, Páginas 158-167, 2018. Artículo.
- Inés Mazarrasa; Jimena Samper-Villarreal; Oscar Serrano; Paul S. Lavery; Catherine E. Lovelock; Núria Marbà; Carlos M. Duarte; Jorge Cortés, "Habitat characteristics provide insights of carbon storage in seagrass meadows", "Marine Pollution Bulletin", Número 134, Páginas 106-117, 2018. Artículo.
- A. Arias-Ortiz; O. Serrano; P. Masqué; P.S. Lavery; U. Mueller; G.A. Kendrick; M. Rozaimi; A. Esteban; J. W. Fourqurean; N. Marbà; M.A. Mateo; K. Murray; M. Rule; C.M. Duarte, "A marine heat wave drives massive losses from the world's largest seagrass carbon stocks.", "Nature Climate Change", 2018. Artículo.
- João Neiva; Cristina Paulino; Mette M. Nielsen; Dorte Krause-Jensen; Gary W. Saunders; Jorge Assis; Ignacio Bárbara; Éric Tamigneaux; Licínia Gouveia; Tânia Aires; Núria Marbà; Annette Bruhn; Gareth A. Pearson; Ester A. Serrão, "Glacial vicariance drives incipient speciation in the amphi-boreal kelp Saccharina latissima", "Scientific Reports", 2018. Artículo.
- Krause-Jensen D; Lavery P; Serrano O; Marbà N; Masque P; Duarte CM, "Sequestration of macroalgal carbon: the elephant in the Blue Carbon ro", "Biology Letters", 2018. Artículo.
- Bermejo R; Chefaoui R; Engelen A; Buonomo R; Neiva J; Ferreira-Costa J; Pearson G; Marbà N; Duarte C; Airoldi L; Hernandez I; Guiry MD; Serrao EA, "Marine forests of the Mediterranean-Atlantic Cystoseira tamariscifolia complex show a southern Iberian genetic hotspot and no reproductive isolation in parapatry", "Scientific Reports", 2018. Artículo.
- Marbà N; D Krause-Jensen; P Masqué; CM Duarte, "Expanding Greenland seagrass meadows contribute new sediment carbon sinks", "Scientific Reports", Volumen 8, 2018. Artículo.
- Sarah Bachmann Ørberg; Dorte Krause-Jensen; Kim Mouritsen; Birgit Olesen; Nuria Marba; Martin H Larsen; Martin Emil Blicher; Mikael Kristian Sejr, "Canopy-forming Macroalgae facilitate Recolonization of Sub-Arctic Intertidal Fauna and reduce Temperature extremes", "Frontiers In Marine Science", 2018. Artículo.
- Ioannis Savva; Scott Bennett; Guillem Roca; Gabriel Jordà; Núria Marbà, "Thermal tolerance of Mediterranean marine macrophytes: vulnerability to global warming", "Ecology And Evolution", Volumen 8, Páginas 12032-12043, 2018. Artículo.
- C.F. Mota; A.H. Engelen; E.A Serrao; M.A.G. Coelho; N. Marbà; D. Krause-Jensen; G.A. Paerson, "Differentiation in fitness-related traits in response to elevated temperatures between leading and trailing edge populations of marine macrophytes", "Plos One", Volumen 13, Número 9, Páginas e0203666, 2018. Artículo.
- Zhao, Y.H.; Ren, Z.X.; Wang, H.; Holyoak, M.; Zhou, W.; Lázaro, A.; Li, H.D.; Tao, Z.B.; Wolfe, L.M.; Kun, X.; Wu, Z.K.; Li, D.Z., "Temporal and asymmetric variation of phylogenetical signal in plant-pollinator networks along a high elevation gradient", "Ecography", 2018. Artículo.
- Lázaro, A.; Tur, C., "Land-use changes as drivers of pollinator declines", "Ecosistemas", 2018. Artículo.
- Benítez-Malvido, J.; Lázaro, A.; Ferraz, I., "Effect of distance to edge and edge interaction on seedling regeneration and biotic damage in tropical rain forest fragments: A long-term experiment", "Journal of Ecology", 2018. Artículo.
- Lázaro, A.; Larrinaga, A.R., "A multi-level test of the seed number/size trade-off in two Scandinavian communities", "Plos One", 2018. Artículo.