Publicaciones en revistas
- Iris E. Hendriks; Tjeerd J. Bouma; Edward P. Morris; Carlos M. Duarte, "Effects of seagrasses and algae of the Caulerpa family on hydrodynamics and particle-trapping rates", "Marine Biology", Volumen 157, Número 3, Páginas 473-481, 2010. Artículo.
- Cabanellas-Reboredo, M.; Deudero S.; Alós J. & Hendriks I, "Initial data on settlement and recruitment of macrobenthic organisms on artificial substrates located over Posidonia oceanica meadows", "Marine Biology Research", Volumen 6, Número 6, Páginas 591-599, 2010. Artículo.
- Hendriks, I.E.; Duarte, C.M.; Álvarez, M., "Vulnerability of marine biodiversity to ocean acidification: A meta-analysis
", "Estuaries And Coasts", Volumen 86, Páginas 157-164, 2010. Artículo.
- Hendriks, I.E.; Duarte, C.M., "Ocean acidification: Separating evidence from judgment - A reply to Dupont et al.
", "Estuaries And Coasts", Volumen 89, Número 2, Páginas 186-190, 2010. Artículo.
- Vaquer-Sunyer, Raquel; Duarte, Carlos M., "Sulfide exposure accelerates hypoxia-driven mortality", "Limnology and Oceanography", Volumen 55, Número 3, Páginas 1075-1082, 2010. Review.
- Basterretxea, G., Tovar-Sanchez, A., Beck, A. J., Masqué, P., Bokuniewicz, H.J., Coffey, R , Duarte, C.M., Garcia-Orellana, J., Garcia-Solsona, E. , Martinez-Ribes, L. and Vaquer-Sunyer, R., "Submarine groundwater discharge to the coastal environment of a Mediterranean island (Majorca, Spain): ecosystem and biogeochemical significance", "Ecosystems", Volumen 13, Número 5, Páginas 629-643, 2010. Artículo.
- Vaquer-Sunyer, R.; Duarte; C.M., Wassmann, P.; Santiago, R.; Reigstad, M., "Experimental Evaluation of planktonic respiration response to warming in the European Arctic Sector", "Polar Biology", Volumen 33, Número 12, Páginas 1661-1671, 2010. Artículo.
- Lázaro, A.; Nielsen, A.; Totland, Ø., "Factors related to the inter?annual variation in plants' pollination generalization levels within a community", "Oikos", Volumen 119, Número 5, Páginas 825-834, 2010. Artículo.
- Lázaro, A.; Totland, Ø., "Population dependence in the interactions with neighbors for pollination: a field experiment with Taraxacum officinale", "American Journal of Botany", Volumen 97, Número 5, Páginas 760-769, 2010. Artículo.
- Lazaro, A.; TOTLAND, Ø., "Local floral composition and the behaviour of pollinators: attraction to and foraging within experimental patches", "Ecological Entomology", Volumen 35, Número 5, Páginas 652-661, 2010. Artículo.