Tesis y trabajos de investigación

  • Alexandra Steckbauer, "Hypoxia in a changing world: prevalence, dynamics and additional stress by rising CO2". Universidad Internacional de Menéndez Pelayo, España, 2016. Tesis doctoral.
  • Ana Serrano, "Wave energy dissipation due to Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean Sea". Internat. Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation EMBC+, España, 2016. Tesis de Máster.
  • Ana Pascual, "Thermal response of calcification and metabolism in Mediterranean seaweeds". Internat. Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation EMBC+, España, 2016. Tesis de Máster.
  • Clea van der Ven, "Effects of CO2 enrichment and invasive macroalgae on the development of Posidonia oceanica seedlings and on the associated communities and herbivore responses". Universidad de Amsterdam, España, 2016. Tesis de Máster.
  • Mazarrasa Elósegui, Inés, "Almacenamiento de Carbono en praderas submarinas: tasas, persistencia y control.". Universitat de les Illes Balears, España, 2016. Tesis doctoral.
  • Savva, I., "Mercury rising: The ecophysiological responses of Medeiterranean macro`hytes to experiemntal warming". Ghent University, Bremen University, the University of Algarve, Galway-Mayo, España, 2016. Tesis de Máster.